• Is this a prison or Corrections facility?

    No, Te Whare Whakaruruhau o Raumanuka is not a prison or a Corrections facility.

    It is an iwi-led, kaupapa Māori service providing supported accommodation and 24/7 wrap around support and navigational services.

    Only people who have been released from custody (any length sentence), received community sentences or orders or eligible for electronically monitored bail will live in our whare. Residents will be expected to maintain a strong commitment to the tikanga and kawa of our kaupapa.

  • How long will tāne live at the whare?

    Tāne can live at the service for up to 18 months to ensure they receive the support they need to return to their whānau and lead independent lives.

    Tāne will be supported to move out earlier if they are ready and have the tools and confidence to do so. They will continue to receive support after they have moved out, as they transition into life in the community.

  • Do tāne have to choose to live there?

    Our service requires tāne to ‘opt-in’ and be willing and ready to abide by the tikanga and kawa of our whare in order to benefit from our kaupapa. All tāne undergo a careful and robust assessment and selection process before being approved to live at the whare.

    Tāne are first required to gain approval from our Iwi Selection Panel, and then the New Zealand Parole Board to be released into the care of our service.

  • Can tāne receive manuhiri at the whare?

    Āe (Yes), tāne can receive manuhiri who have been pre-approved to visit the whare. Manuhiri will be able to visit at pre-arranged set times and must also commit to the tikanga and kawa of our kaupapa when they are at the whare.

    If our tikanga and kawa is breached in any way by manuhiri, it may result in them being banned from the property and their actions could also result in the tāne residing at the whare being exited from the service.